Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sophia Camille Flynn
Sophia was born on June 1st 2008 at 9:57 am. She weighed 7lbs 11onz and 20 1/2 in long. She looks juts like Danielle when she was first born. SHe was delivery by cesarea. We both are doing well more details coming up and more pictures too.


Mary said...

Congrats!! I am going to call you later today.

Kathe said...

Felicidades, Erika. Estoy muy contenta por ti y que todo te salio bien. Vi unas fotos de Sophia que Teresa mando por email, esta linda tu nina. Que nuestro Padre Celestial los bendiga mucho. Te llame donde Teresa pero contesto la maquina y deje un mensaje. Voy a intentar despues. Espero que te sigas mejorando y disfruta a tus dos ninas hermosas.
Con carino,

Katie said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so sorry you had to do a c-section. I had to two of them w/ both of the kids. Not so fun.
I'm so glad you guys are doing well. She's beautiful!!