Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Catching up

Ok I have been tag so many times, but I have not have the chance to do it. Here is the first one!
1- Ten years ago I was in law school! I think it was my second year. Goodness sake I am old! I was also working at the Institute of Culture of Nicaragua ( my native country) I was one of the assistant to the director. I was not dating, but I was attending to institute.
2-5 things on my to do list. Write to my husband, take Danielle to story time, clean and do laundry oh and read the scriptures around 4 am when I will wake up for sure and not be able to fall sleep until 6 am ( that has happened the last four night in the row).
3-Snacks that I enjoy fruits, chocolate and cookies anything sweet!
4-What would I do if I suddenly become a millionaire. First I will pay our debts, buy a house, save money for my kids, take my parents and my in laws in a wonderful trip, help the children in my country, save money for my kids to go to college and save for retirement and go back to school.
5- Five places I have lived. Sorry juts have lived in 3 different places Nicaragua, Austin, Virginia. However, I did move all around austin every year I lived there.
6-Five jobs I have had. Uhm let see. Receptionist, Assistant, Medical Records, Customer Service, Independent Consultant ah of course Attorney.
7-Three of my bad habits: Complain, bite my nails ( not anymore, it took me year to over come this), be loud, to ask people their opinion about personal decision ( I've gotten better)
8-Five random things people don't know about me:
a) I used to be such a strong and faithful member I would skip class to go to meetings and activity related to Church.
b) When I first joined the church I left behind all my old friends and my old clothe ( started to wear long skirts and dresses) I did have the change of heart that Alma talks about in the scripture. I wish I could be more like that now.
c)My father and I had the worse relationship ever until I became member and I learned how to tell him that I love him.
d) My thesis was about glue sniffing children and I went to horrible places to interview them.
e)I just ended a relationship with a no member precisely because he wasn't member on december 31 ( a few days before I came to the states, so I had a broken heart which was fixed by the best man ever, my husband).

Tag you Kathe...everyone else has been tag

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