Thursday, October 29, 2009

Specialist Flynn!

Yesterday, my dear husband was promoted from E4 ( PFC) to E5 ( Specialist). We had the opportunity to participate in this ceremony where his NCO said very nice things about Charles and his progress and how proud he was to be able to submit his name for promotion before his actual time and get it approved. Sophia and Danielle were so happy for their daddy and so was I. I can't express with words how much it meant for me to be part of this small ceremony, but very significant for our little family. Danielle asked Charles all sort of questions about his new batch. I would like to share my joy and happiness with you all.


Zarsky Family said...

Congratulations to all of you! What a great accomplishment. We love y'all.

Rebekah Hutchins said...

That is so awesome! I am very proud of Charles and of all of you! The girls look so big and happy:) What a beautiful family!!