I must be really tired because I pressed enter before I actually typed my post. So this week the girls started swim lesson. Danielle is loving it and Sophia is not really enjoying it not sure if it is the time 11 am or the fact that she has to do things. i think is both. We have been so busy that she had hardly taken nap this week; for this reason, today we say home until 30 min before class and let her sleep for 1 and half. I do not have pictures of them swimming because it is too complicated trying to take a picture at the same time that I am trying to help my kids out.
In another note today we went to Barnes and NObles Danielle has been asking me to take care for the last ferew days so we finally made it today we read 5 books! she loves Barnes and NObles and I do too! It is such a Magical place full of great entertainment BOOOOKKKSSS! I missed Barnes and Nobles when I was attending UT I would go after school and spend hour immerse in a wonderful book while enjoying a pie or some delicatessen!
Sophia enjoyed the book I read to her and then she decided to pull out books from every where I think she felt the magic too!
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